
Monday, June 20, 2011


Not long ago, at the SANS Forensic Summit, I received two awards during the Forensic 4Cast Awards ceremony.  I was not able to attend this summit, but got to catch part of it on LiveStream.  Cory was kind enough to drop the pictured awards off the following week when he came to NoVA for OSDFC.

The top award is for Outstanding Contribution to Digital Forensics - Individual, and the lower one is for Best Digital Forensics Book, which I'm told applies to Windows Registry Forensics.

I'd like to thank everyone involved for these honors; the folks who nominated me, those who voted for me, as well as Lee Whitfield for setting up the awards, and Rob Lee and SANS staff for arranging and conducting the summit.

I'm not entirely sure what I did to receive these awards, but I'm very grateful and appreciative to the community and to everyone involved in the Forensic 4Cast awards process.


  1. "I'm not entirely sure what I did to receive these awards"...uh... look to your right on this page at the Blog archive section, then open the book entitled Windows Registry Forensics and take a read. I have and the answer is clear. ;)

  2. mantal,

    Thanks, but I get little feedback about the book...what did you like about it?

    Also, that statement applies to the other award, as well.


  3. My reply was intended to cover your receipt of both awards. Just looking at the blogs on this site over the past 5 years is an indication of your contribution to this field.

    Regarding the book, its clear, synthetic, well-organized,....yada-yada-yada...ok, I like the pictures and the hand-holding ;) Really, someone like me can take your book and see real cases with real examples and make real use of the information.


  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Harlan, because of all your efforts, books and blog, and have a much deeper understanding of Windows in a forensic capacity. It has made me think harder, and yern to understand more so I can be the best that I can be at this profession. "What would Harlan do" I hear myself saying when im stuck on an issue as I pull out your books.

    Keep up the fantastic work.

  5. Anonymous,

    Thanks. I guess I'm just not seeing this sort of feedback, so the awards came as something of a surprise.

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Hey Harlan -
    The award *is* the feedback!

  7. The awards were justly earned! I own all your books, and rarely a week goes by that I'm not reading or referencing one of them. I am also amazed by the wealth of information you have freely available to people online... I keep finding new gems. Thank you!

  8. Jimmy_Weg9:05 PM

    Congratualtions, Harlan, on your awards! They are very well deserved and are at least a small token of our gratitude for your contributions to our profession. Aside from imparting knowkledge, you make us think and become more self-reliant, in part, because your writings provide a resource from which we can solve problems on our own.
