
Friday, February 11, 2022

LNK Files, Again

What, again?!?!

I know, right?!?

Not long ago, I read this fascinating article from Joe Helle that discussed malicious uses for Windows shortcuts, or LNK files, and also discussed a Python3 scripts called "lnkbomb".

As a side note, check out what Joe had to share about persistence via WSL2!

As anyone who's followed me for a minute knows, I love...L   O   V some LNK files. Shortcut files are something that we see all the time, have been around for a long time (much like ADSs), but folks in the DFIR field are so focused on the "shiny hot newness", that this file type is very often overlooked and not fully exploited.

The technique Joe discusses is similar to modifying the iconfilename field of a shortcut file, so that even if the "bad guy" is evicted from an infrastructure, any action that launches the LNK file results in credentials being passed via HTTP or WebDAV, where they can be collected, cracked, and then used by the threat actor.

LNK files have a lot of uses, and understanding the format and structure is helpful in a lot of different ways. One example is that automatic JumpLists follow the OLE/structured storage format, and all but the DestList stream consist of LNK file formatted streams. Another example is that the building blocks of LNK files, shell items, are also the core building blocks of several Registry-based artifacts, such as shellbags.

Beyond that, however, threat actors have used LNK files as lures in social engineering and phishing attacks; this means that the threat actor has built the LNK files within their own infrastructure, within their own development environment. As such, sending these files as lures is "free money" to both DFIR and CTI analysts, if they're able to leverage those files and their component metadata.

So...while I know Windows 11 is out, and everyone's excited about the shiny new hotness, let's not forget that there's a lot that has worked since Windows XP (or even prior to that) and still continues to be an issue today.

Addendum, 12 Feb: After I published this post, Dr. Ali Hadi provided me with a link (get it??) to a site that talks about embedding an EXE in an LNK, with automatic execution. I've actually seen these "in the wild" before, but it's been a while! Thanks, Ali!

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